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You can follow the Garza lab and all their activities on their Instagram feed @uw_mlel or learn more by visiting their lab's website

Research Publications

Saccomanno, V. R. (2023). Using unoccupied aerial vehicles to map and monitor changes in emergent kelp canopy after an ecological regime shift. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. Wiley Online Library.

Current Landscape Ecology Reports. (2019). Landscape Ecology in the Rocky Intertidal: Opportunities for Advancing Discovery and Innovation in Intertidal Research. Current Landscape Ecology Reports.

Current Landscape Ecology Reports. (2016). Landscape Complexity Effects on Fisheries: Insights from Marine Landscape Ecology. Current Landscape Ecology Reports.

Journal of Mammalogy. (2015). Effects of landscape covariates on the distribution and detection probabilities of mammalian carnivores. Journal of Mammalogy. Oxford Academic.

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